3 listopada 2011 w MSBiS w Warszawie
Wydarzenie odbywać się będzie tylko w 12 wyselekcjonowanych europejskich miastach: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bruksela, Londyn, Monte-Carlo, Monachium, Moskwa, Paryż, Praga, Rzym, Sztokholm, i Warszawa. Do końca listopada w każdym z miast podczas Nikka Day odbędą się seminaria i warsztaty prowadzone przez globalnego ambasadora Nikka – Stanislava Vadrne.
Ukoronowaniem Nikka Day będzie KONKURS BARMAŃSKI, w którym do rywalizacji stanie tylko 10 wyselekcjonowanych barmanów z Polski.
W Warszawie spotkanie ze Stanem Vadrną i konkurs odbędą się 3 listopada w siedzibie Międzynarodowej Szkoły Barmanów i Sommelierów.
Wydarzenie w Polsce odbywa się dzięki dystrybutorowi whisky Nikka firmie „M&P – Alkohole i Wina Świata”.
Stanislav Vadrna, an expert In Japanese bartending, Server as Nikka’s Word-wide ambassador. His knowledge of Japanese culture, his mastery of whisky, and his passion for mixology – all of which have been influenced by testing techniques he learned in Japan – make Stanislav the ideal figurehead for the Nikka company.
As the driving force behind the Ichi-go, Ichi-e slogan, Stanislav reaches out to bartenders open to the Nikka Perfect Serve philosophy who are best positioned to answer these questions:
• How can professionalism be combined with warm welcome and friendly service?
• What is perfect service?
• How can one create a unique experience that enhances both the product and the guest?
In 2010 Nikka, LMDW, and Stanislav Vadrna created a European contest to promote the Nikka Perfect Serve. It provides opportunity for bartenders wanting to learn and improve their skills to train and compete in a dozen European cities, thus benefitting from Stanislav’s unique instructional approach.
THE ESSENCE of the Perfect Serve.
Nikka Perfect Serve is a new style of bartending that aims to find new techniques that are both simple and original for improving service and creating an unforgettable ritual focused on the guest. It brings a Japanese dimension to the art of service and requires elegance, precision, and an eye for detail, all of which create a unique performance for the guest.
The Nikka Perfect Serve is associated with an ancient Japanese precept: Ichi-go, Ichi-E (one meeting, one moment), the very foundation of Zen Buddhist philosophy. This concept is integral to the Japanese tea ceremony. The same philosophy applies to bartenders, reminding them that each and every guest deserves their utmost attention. Every guest should be considered as a unique individual who deserves the very best.
TESTS for participants
TEST 1 – Product knowledge:
Each participant will have 15 minutes to answer 10 questions about the Nikka Brand
TEST 2 – Nikka a La Carte:
The candidate must serve a previously prepared selection of drinks to the jury. He will then introduce test 3.
TEST 3 – Perfect Mizuwari / Nikka Taketsuru:
The candidate will mix three Mizuwaris made with Nikka Taketsuru.
Each Mizuwari must be different.
• 1 Mizuwari made with Nikka Taketsuru, 12 years
• 1 Mizuwari made with Nikka Taketsuru, 17 years
• 1 Mizuwari made with Nikka Taketsuru, 21 years
TEST 4 – Perfect Classic cocktail / Nikka From The Barrel:
Each candidate must prepare three classic cocktails made with Nikka From The Barrel: a Manhattan, a Whisky Sour, and an Old Fashioned.
Candidates must show their creativity by personalizing their cocktails and giving a twist to these traditional recipes.
After these tests the judges will deliberate and designate a regional winner. Who will be invited to compete in the final.
• Each candidate has 20 minutes to complete tests 2, 3 and 4
• The whiskies, ice, glassware and basic ingredients (bitters, vermouth, lemon, and orange) will be provided
• If their recipes call for specific ingredients or accessories, participants must provide them themselves.
Each of the best Nikka Perfect Serve bartenders will be invited to represent his or her country at the finals, which be held in November 2011 in Paris.
Zasady uczestnictwa w „Nikka Perfect Serve, Ichi-go Ichi-e 2011 Contest”.
Spotkanie ze Stanem Vadrną i Konkurs odbędą się 3 listopada w warszawskiej siedzibie Międzynarodowej Szkoły Barmanów i Sommelierów, start o godzinie 12:00.
Czynnie pracujący barmani z całej Polski, chcący uczestniczyć w wydarzeniu i startować w Konkursie powinni posiadać w barze przynajmniej jeden produkt z rodziny Nikka oraz do dnia 30 października przesłać na adres: swoje CV oraz „list motywacyjny” do startu w konkursie. Oba dokumenty powinny być przygotowane w języku angielskim.
Spośród wszystkich nadesłanych kandydatur jury pod przewodnictwem Stana Vadrny wytypuje 10 osób do startu w konkursie oraz 10 dodatkowych do udziału tylko w wykładach.
Wybrane osoby zostaną poinformowane niezwłocznie drogą mailową.
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