Światowy ambasador marki Hennessy Fabien Levieux odwiedzi MSBiS w Warszawie już 24 września.
Dla naszych Absolwentów poprowadzi wyjątkowe spotkanie w trakcie, którego na nowo odkryjecie koniaki Hennessy.
Spotkanie odbędzie się w warszawskiej siedzibie Międzynarodowej Szkoły Barmanów i Sommelierów przy ulicy Wspólnej 65A w terminie:
24 września 2013 o godz. 16.00 i potrwa ok. 2 godziny.
Prowadzone będzie w języku angielskim.
Absolwentów MSBiS zainteresowanych uczestniczeniem w spotkaniu prosimy o przesłanie zgłoszenia* na adres: sekretariat@msbis.cfolks.pl
Zgłoszenie powinno zawierać:
imię i nazwisko, termin i miasto ukończenia Szkolenia MSBiS lub nr. certyfikatu, a także kontaktowy numer telefonu.
* Zgłoszenie obliguje do obecności. Liczba miejsc jest ograniczona. Osoby, które potwierdzą uczestnictwo i nie stawią się na Warsztatach utracą możliwość uczestniczenia w kolejnych wydarzeniach.
Fabien Levieux
Born and raised in France in 1975 in a family where culture and French gastronomy were an authentic way of life, Fabien Levieux naturally grew a real passion for wines and spirits. In his early adulthood, the strong fascination for the organoleptic qualities that wines and grapebased distillates can develop played an obvious and important part in his career orientation.
The most famous Cognac region in central France therefore appeared to be the natural choice for his career.
This real passion for spirits drove Fabien to study every aspect of the wine distillates, from the production levels to the business aspect of the wine and spirits industry.
After obtaining a Superior Technician Qualification in Viticulture and Oenology, completed by a Master in Business Administration (International Trade), Fabien decided to study directly on the field the marketing and business sides of Cognac. He therefore spent some time abroad, mainly in the United States to understand and analyse what Cognac drinkers were concretely awaiting from Cognac producers.
Missing the French „terroir” that makes Cognac unique, Fabien decided after over 6 years abroad that it was time for him and his family to return to France. Coming back to his native land, Fabien evolved towards the Cognac production side, taking charge of the Product Development and Technical Communication Departments of a small but dynamic Cognac Maison. During these years, under the unique title of Assistant Master Blender In Charge of
Education, Fabien travelled the world extensively, spreading the word on every continent about Cognac manufacturing process and production methods, and acting as a true Ambassador for the Cognac industry.
Keeping in his heart the same strong passion and commitment for exceptional Cognacs, Fabien recently joined with an outstanding enthusiasm JAs HENNESSY & C° as an Ambassadeur de la Maison Hennessy. Fabien’s dedication towards excellence and elegance now drives him everyday with the utmost pleasure to deliver the message about the legendary expertise, the renowned savoir-faire and the acknowledged talents of the internationally famous Maison Hennessy.